Jun 29, 2013

Risk to Reach Out

 This is an outline of a message delivered by Chuck McAllister, pastor and host of Adventure Bound Outdoors, from the Outdoor Channel.  A video of the message is available at http://www.kybaptist.org/chuck-mcalister-risk-main-session-3-video/ The message was delivered at a conference for Kentucky Baptists in Elizabethtown.  He describes how God has led him to call churches to reach out through Affinity groups (common interests.)


1. MOTIVATION: We must care for people. Verse 16

Paul was stirred with compassion for the lost in Athens.  We must constantly assess the area around us, to see the lostness of Hart County and Rowletts.  We are told 6 out of 7 people in our association area are not engaged in church on any given Sunday.  All these people need to hear how Christ changes our lives, and wants to change theirs. 

2. MOTIONS: We must go to where people are Verses 17-21

Paul went to the synagogue and to the market place, because that is where the people were.  Many people love to go to meetings with people they know, and have common interests.  Think about all the meetings we go to, Cattlemen’s, 4-H, Women’s Club, Board meetings, PTO, team gatherings, etc . . .We enjoy being around people who like the same things we do, and talk the way we talk. 

3. METHODS: We must adjust to connect with people. Verses 22-28

This is where most conflict is introduced in the church.  Paul used secular references, because they were familiar to his audience.  He then used those common references to link to Jesus and the gospel.  This can be the HOW to reach someone.  A farmer and a CPA sometimes don’t have a lot in common; but a love for hunting, or a child can provide fertile ground to share the gospel.

4. MESSAGE: We must tell people the truth. Verses 29-31

Paul showed the Athenians their ignorance, called for repentance, because a judgment is coming.  After making a connection with his audience, Paul shared the same message he preached everywhere he went.  This is WHAT we share; we have all sinned, in need of a Savior, Jesus is that Savior, if we will completely follow Him.  Confusing the “how” and “what” we share, creates most causes of strife in the church. 

5. MINDSET: We must expect people to respond. Verses 32-34

We are in a nation which is no longer inclined to a church centered life, as in previous generations.  However the gospel will still change people, and share with intention of changing someone’s life.

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