Jun 29, 2013

Risk to Reach Out

 This is an outline of a message delivered by Chuck McAllister, pastor and host of Adventure Bound Outdoors, from the Outdoor Channel.  A video of the message is available at http://www.kybaptist.org/chuck-mcalister-risk-main-session-3-video/ The message was delivered at a conference for Kentucky Baptists in Elizabethtown.  He describes how God has led him to call churches to reach out through Affinity groups (common interests.)


1. MOTIVATION: We must care for people. Verse 16

Paul was stirred with compassion for the lost in Athens.  We must constantly assess the area around us, to see the lostness of Hart County and Rowletts.  We are told 6 out of 7 people in our association area are not engaged in church on any given Sunday.  All these people need to hear how Christ changes our lives, and wants to change theirs. 

2. MOTIONS: We must go to where people are Verses 17-21

Paul went to the synagogue and to the market place, because that is where the people were.  Many people love to go to meetings with people they know, and have common interests.  Think about all the meetings we go to, Cattlemen’s, 4-H, Women’s Club, Board meetings, PTO, team gatherings, etc . . .We enjoy being around people who like the same things we do, and talk the way we talk. 

3. METHODS: We must adjust to connect with people. Verses 22-28

This is where most conflict is introduced in the church.  Paul used secular references, because they were familiar to his audience.  He then used those common references to link to Jesus and the gospel.  This can be the HOW to reach someone.  A farmer and a CPA sometimes don’t have a lot in common; but a love for hunting, or a child can provide fertile ground to share the gospel.

4. MESSAGE: We must tell people the truth. Verses 29-31

Paul showed the Athenians their ignorance, called for repentance, because a judgment is coming.  After making a connection with his audience, Paul shared the same message he preached everywhere he went.  This is WHAT we share; we have all sinned, in need of a Savior, Jesus is that Savior, if we will completely follow Him.  Confusing the “how” and “what” we share, creates most causes of strife in the church. 

5. MINDSET: We must expect people to respond. Verses 32-34

We are in a nation which is no longer inclined to a church centered life, as in previous generations.  However the gospel will still change people, and share with intention of changing someone’s life.

Jun 22, 2013

Lessons in Serving

   Servant hood in the church seems best exemplified today by Vacation Bible School (VBS).   This year’s VBS program had an average of 84 volunteers each night.  Men and women took opportunity to teach, guide, decorate, cook for, encourage, and love the 110+ children.  We wanted to see them learn the gospel of the Bible; either to salvation or a deeper walk with Jesus.  Many seeds were planted, others watered, and one harvested – praise the Lord for His working through the faithful.  Yet now VBS is over, what are we going to do the rest of the year?  Should we not continue the same work every week, and even each day?  There are some differences between VBS and a ‘normal’ week, but can we learn from VBS to enable ministry during our normal lives?  There are a couple of reasons VBS is effective, and there is also some misunderstanding keeping us from daily ministry.

   Starting with the misinterpretation of the church’s work today: VBS is an event on the calendar of the church, much like a revival, youth rally, or holiday program.  Sometimes it can look like the church exists in order to create events for Christians to serve and in between these various events we should only plan the next event.  We all love to be a part of a crowd (help in effort, less individual responsibility, and guidance {following the crowd}).  Rather than waiting for an event we must see every day as opportunity to create relationships and share the Words of Jesus.

   VBS is planned very well, and it creates an environment where people are easily plugged in to a position where they know what to do, and accomplish a set goal.  Biblical material is already written, prayed over, and easy to share; and then other activity (crafts, music) work to lift up the Bible lessons.  We need leaders to step up and establish ministries, then there will be jobs available for people to serve in.  Leaders will step out in faith, God will lead those to assist and those to minister/serve, so then the ministry will glorify God.  Structure in the church establishes a way for others to serve and grow.

   Each week we try to empower each person to be able to share with others what God is doing.  The sermon or Sunday School lessons don’t have to be a one-time event, but can be shared hundreds of times.  Take the gospel and teachings with you to your workplace, your homes, gatherings, and other activities.  Then once you’ve shared what you heard, dig in the Bible and share what the Holy Spirit teaches you directly.  Let us not wait for another event, but share what our Living God is doing now and everyday. 

Jun 15, 2013

Lay Aside every Weight

   I am glad to come to the house of the Lord each time the Lord gives me grace to be able to come.  Though many services are attended and sermons & songs are heard; there is still a longing each time for the Lord to minister instruction, conviction, and change to my heart.  Praise the Lord for God knocking me, and my desires, off my mental pedestal and placing Jesus back where He deserves to be. 

   Yet every service is not the same, because sometimes my mind is determined to focus on other things.  Sometimes it is our ‘heart’ (of emotions) that preoccupies us from focusing on God.  My list of ‘cares of the world’ includes “What’s for lunch, How much will the offerings be, What meetings do I have this week, What are people going to think of the devotional, Why did ‘John’ come to church today, When will ‘Alice’ apologize to me . . .”  Soon the Holy Spirit will convict me of my wandering mind and bring me back to a moldable heart.  Often that takes trust in God, to take care of my needs; and other times it involves my kindness to and patience of others, trust in their motives, and forgiving their trespasses to me.  When I effectively get rid of these weights; it is always worth it, in order to embrace Jesus more fully with my whole heart, strength, and soul. 

   What are your roadblocks to genuine worship and ministry?  Have you put your trust in yourself, instead of God?  Are you looking at people around the room more than you look at Jesus?  If we are currently clear of the burdens, heed the Proverb below and monitor your heart.  Keep watch for seeds of contention and anger, pray for guidance, and be quick to forgive and apply grace to others.  Then prepare for the Holy Spirit to fill your de-cluttered heart.  A heart full of the Holy Spirit will allow us to share freely with all the community around us the wonderful gospel of Christ.

“Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.  Put away from you a deceitful mouth, And put perverse lips far from you.” Proverbs 4:23-24

“Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith,. . .” Hebrews 12:1-2a

“Therefore if you bring your gift to the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the altar, and go your way. First be reconciled to your brother, and then come and offer your gift.” Matthew 5:23-24

"For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.  But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” Matthew 6:14-15 (and verse 12)

Jun 8, 2013

VBS Mentality

    Sometimes it seems that nothing could be better than to be back at VBS as a kid; when we were unashamed to have a ball, and on fire to talk about Jesus.  Maybe you didn't get to go to VBS, or did not enjoy; the feeling is very similar to when you first believed, and were on fire for The Lord.  Why is it that we let go of those feelings so quickly, and then do not chase after them and gain them back?

   Our kids, and many adults just enjoyed a great Bible School.  Kool-Aid was drank, popcorn was eaten, and a great time was had by all.  Meetings were a little louder, a lot more colorful, and full of activity centered on Jesus Christ.  There are some distinct differences between a VBS celebration, and our typical worship service on Sunday; some are good and others not so much.  I am choosing to focus on the passion and feelings shown at VBS.

   The Bible tells us that we should love The Lord with our whole heart, and with our whole being.  VBS involves learning, moving, talking/singing, and creating (crafts).  Our typical worship service involves some of those things, but not all.  Think about our VBS service and the worship service. . . Which one appears to be closer to using our complete being to worship Christ? Much of the activity in VBS can be distracting if not tied back to the gospel.  However we live up to our nickname "the Frozen Chosen" in a worship service, not in awe or respect of God, but being asleep and indifferent.  Is it respectful for us to give half-hearted service to God, in any situation?

   Another great thing about our VBS, is how many helpers we had.  There are so many helpers, that jobs are done quickly because people are waiting for a need to arise.  Can we say the same in a typical month of church services?  What do we need to sharpen so that we stay ready and willing?

   Our Wonderful Father, help our finite minds, attention, energies, and abilities to be sharpened.  You are working daily in Our community, and in every life.  Lord we praise you for the collective body you have given to our church; the skills and talents which allow us to minister your Word and Spirit to those who so desperately need it.  Build our understanding Lord that there are actions you seek from us daily, to see your kingdom served.  Do not allow our eyes grow weary and slumber until a revival or VBS, but seek your will each day.  Show us where we fall short, and give us the strength to change; for all good things and strength comes from you.  In Christ's name, Amen

Jun 1, 2013

Simple, Love, and Truth

“You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” Deuteronomy 6:5 (Mark 12:30, Luke 10:27)

“For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."   But if you bite and devour one another, beware lest you be consumed by one another!” Galatians 5:14-15 (Math 22:39, Mark 12:31, Luke 10:27, Rom 13:9, Jam 2:8)

   “True monuments are timeless.  Their grand, simple forms – domes, pyramids, arches, obelisks – are such profound expressions of their time that they transcend time, lasting as long as things last, as permanent architectural truths.”  -Eero Saarinen, architect of the St Louis Arch.  (Designed as a catenary curve, the shape a weighted hung chain would assume when hung between two points.) 

Architect Saarinen wanted the arch to be seen for miles, and it also fits as the “Gateway to the West.”  This simple form has withstood numerous natural disasters, and millions of visitors through its museum and observation room.  It also serves as a reminder of the grand dreams of President Jefferson, and the many explorers extending the United States across the continent. 

  It is also amazing the profound wisdom found in simple statements.  So much of the Bible truth is found in the two “great commandments.”  As true as it is, it is still a far concept for most contemporary Christians.  God is such an awesome presence, we see only a portion of all He is.  We worry, not trusting He can protect us.  We withhold our tithes, unsure God will provide for our needs.  We have a long way to go to understand even the simple concepts of God. 

   We must also consider what it is to “love your neighbor as yourself?”  We are quick to judge, but seek others to sympathize when we are the one’s misunderstood.  When we go through our lives most thoughts are for comfort these days.  How can we make our lives easier?  How should I prepare for the future, retirement and college?  I have 100 dollars, would it be best to get a new _____ or find someone without food, shelter, or a chance to hear the gospel?  It is very hard to find a balance between our needs and our wants; yet we must continue to find sacrifices so we can share our blessings with others.  God told Israel he would make them a blessing to the nations.  The greatest fulfillment is Jesus coming from the Jewish family line, but it also is a reference to God’s ability to bless with resources.  He gives us more than we need so we can be a blessing to others.  God asks us to be faithful in the simple or small things.  What sacrifice can we make for the gospel?