Aug 10, 2019

Are you losing the Joy

Personally the last few days have had some moments that I was ready to throw my hands up and give up.  Between the sinful effects of the world showing its ugly face, individuals lashing out, saddening reports from friends, and just the wear and tear of life it is easy to start losing hold of the joy of life.  Of course this joy is only found in Jesus and how He paid and paved the way for us to eternal life with God. 
     Satan's ultimate goal is to get us to lose sight of Jesus and all He's provided us.  When he can get Christian's to forget the hope of Heaven, the security of salvation, and joy of knowing Christ; he knows that we lose our most powerful weapons to advance against his ugly forces.  Christ told us that the gates of hell (a protective structure for Satan) would not stand against our declaration of Christ's position as the Son of God.  (Matthew 16:16-18)  The Word of God provides us such assurances with its unchanging message.  It doesn't change, but we lose sight.
    This stands as a reason that worship is so important in our lives.  It reminds us of Christ's position, His strength, the completion of His Work, His Omnipotence, Omniscience, and Omnipresence, the Love He shows for us despite our failings, and so much more.  Once we get our eyes back in line with His, we can rest in His assurances, wait on His timing, and advance His Kingdom.  Nothing is about us anymore.  Our 'kingdom' and its resources, our ego, our family, they don't lead our work and efforts; they are resources we contribute to see His kingdom grow.  We realize that we do not save the world, but if we can help one more soul see the gift Christ offers, the efforts will be worth it.  Will you keep reaching out?  Offering Christ and Love to those you meet every day.

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