May 5, 2012

More about Jesus

As a good person/American/Christian when someone is in need, we generally find a way to give to them.  If they need food or clothes, we find a way to provide it.  We have advice to give to those who are misguided.  We will give recommendations for those needing a mechanic or doctor.  Then we will even give our precious time to a cause which pulls our heart strings.  How often though do you give Jesus, or the gospel to someone?

As a method of public confession, I am much better at giving of myself.  When a need surfaces, my brain searches for someone or something that I can give, and often this means my time.  While my opinion is that volunteering is certainly a way to minister to others, and show the love of Christ; my intentional sharing is lacking at times.  Meeting these temporal problems with temporary resources, only defers the issues.  Our ultimate need is always Jesus, it may manifest itself in temporary ways, but the need is always there.  The old saying says to “teach a man to fish” but we teach them to find sufficiency in Christ and his teachings.  Another issue with my tendency is that I am finite, and will often reach the end of my rope, no longer able to help anyone. 

The solution to this is simple, actually.  We must learn to give more of Jesus, instead of ourselves.  There will still be plenty of instances when you need to give tangible food, gas, and shelter.  We are called to do so by James (2:16) as part of the works of our faith.  Yet if our first thought is filling people with Jesus and his Holy Spirit, then even a meal or clothes can be a great tool for witnessing about Him.  My thoughts go to the great hymn we sing:

More about Jesus would I know,
More of His grace to others show;
More of His saving fullness see,
More of His love Who died for me.

More, more about Jesus,
More, more about Jesus;
More of His saving fullness see,
More of His love Who died for me

My energy and resources will end and fail, but Jesus never ends, He is infinite and will not run dry.  Matthew 5:16 tells us to shine our lights before men, but this is not a spotlight on ourselves.  With our country, and world trying to become “post-Christian” we must continue to shine the “light of the world,” Jesus Christ.  The more of Jesus we give away, the more we will have.

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