Anyone who has taken out a loan, purchased an insurance policy, or even downloaded an “app,” knows that there are plenty of documents which we agree to by signature or click. Unfortunately most of us do not review the details of these agreements prior to moving forward. It is usual that when we find out what the documents say, it is too late and we are surprised as to what we agreed. “The devil is in the detail” is a phrase all too familiar these days and describes this situation. Put another way it means overlooking the details of a situation now, can lead to unwanted situations later.
Our tendencies lead us to overlook many details due to time, circumstances, or understanding. We have so many requirements on each of these resources, that we truly cannot devote ourselves to gaining a full understanding of our decisions. This has lead sinful people in legal fields, politics, and business to insert ill-meaning provisions underneath the covering of details. It is disheartening to see the depths to which sin has taken us.
However we have another resource that we can draw from, which does not have the limitations mentioned above. Our triune God is infinite in all ways. He is rightly described as omnipresent (everywhere), omniscient (knows everything), and omnipotent (has all power.) There is no detail in our life that God is not aware of and able to control. We find wisdom within the details. Our God is able to manage every detail of the entire universe, and yet still listen and respond to our prayers. This God created the billions of miniscule cells in our bodies, and the billions of enormous stars in the night sky. If we truly look at the details of our world, we find wisdom, design, and that ‘God is in the detail.’
Any deficiency that we think of in our lives cannot be placed on God but rests squarely on our shoulders. This is why we fall humbly before God and admit that we cannot handle our families, our jobs, or our lives apart from Him. It is when we lean on God that all the details will work out according to His purposes, and we will be blessed. When we try to stand on our own, it is when we allow sin space to invade our lives. “Lean on the Lord, and not unto your own understanding.” (paraphrasing Proverbs 3:5)
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, But fools despise wisdom and instruction.” Proverbs 1:7
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