Jun 22, 2013

Lessons in Serving

   Servant hood in the church seems best exemplified today by Vacation Bible School (VBS).   This year’s VBS program had an average of 84 volunteers each night.  Men and women took opportunity to teach, guide, decorate, cook for, encourage, and love the 110+ children.  We wanted to see them learn the gospel of the Bible; either to salvation or a deeper walk with Jesus.  Many seeds were planted, others watered, and one harvested – praise the Lord for His working through the faithful.  Yet now VBS is over, what are we going to do the rest of the year?  Should we not continue the same work every week, and even each day?  There are some differences between VBS and a ‘normal’ week, but can we learn from VBS to enable ministry during our normal lives?  There are a couple of reasons VBS is effective, and there is also some misunderstanding keeping us from daily ministry.

   Starting with the misinterpretation of the church’s work today: VBS is an event on the calendar of the church, much like a revival, youth rally, or holiday program.  Sometimes it can look like the church exists in order to create events for Christians to serve and in between these various events we should only plan the next event.  We all love to be a part of a crowd (help in effort, less individual responsibility, and guidance {following the crowd}).  Rather than waiting for an event we must see every day as opportunity to create relationships and share the Words of Jesus.

   VBS is planned very well, and it creates an environment where people are easily plugged in to a position where they know what to do, and accomplish a set goal.  Biblical material is already written, prayed over, and easy to share; and then other activity (crafts, music) work to lift up the Bible lessons.  We need leaders to step up and establish ministries, then there will be jobs available for people to serve in.  Leaders will step out in faith, God will lead those to assist and those to minister/serve, so then the ministry will glorify God.  Structure in the church establishes a way for others to serve and grow.

   Each week we try to empower each person to be able to share with others what God is doing.  The sermon or Sunday School lessons don’t have to be a one-time event, but can be shared hundreds of times.  Take the gospel and teachings with you to your workplace, your homes, gatherings, and other activities.  Then once you’ve shared what you heard, dig in the Bible and share what the Holy Spirit teaches you directly.  Let us not wait for another event, but share what our Living God is doing now and everyday. 

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